

Littering is becoming a major problem in our neighbourhood . The people who have picnics in our park do not clear it up after they are done . Thus , it results in insects and rats increasing . Just as an information , if anyone were to be caught for littering they will be fined $300 and may be subjected to corrective work order . Lets keep our neighbourhood clean .


There have been numerous cases of unreported petty crimes in your neighbourhood, Valley Street and this include the stray dogs in the area that has caused harm specifically to the joggers. Another problem when these dogs start to bark, at night. It seem difficult to stop a dog from barking and this caused dilemma and disturbance to the residents. Stray dogs carry diseases that might caused diarrhea in people and rashes and all this will endanger the public hence we should all play a part to help protect our close friends and family members.

How can we solve this problem ?
(1) Do not provoke the any of the stray dogs , just leave them alone.
(2) Do not abandon your pet dogs.
(3) Do not feed any of the stray dogs.
(4) Adopt those stray dogs.

Everyone in the neighborhood can play a part to improve this current situation.


When cats has nowhere else to go.
There have been numerous cases of unreported petty crimes in your neighbourhood, Valley Street. Stray cats scattered all around the neighbourhood has become one of the main concern in Valley Streets Many of your neighbours are complaining of about the a sudden increase in the number in the area. These stray cats seems to be searching for food day and night. This causes the streets to be littered with cat food as someone is feeding these strays. The sight of such things are disturbing for the residents there and something needs to be done about these stray animals. Also, it is definitely saddening to see such adorable creatures that suppose to be pamper and loved, without a proper place to live in. 

People who feed the cats does not think about the safety and hygience of the residents of Valley Street. These stray cats can cause cat-related diseases such as cats scratch fever. Each and everyone in Valley Street can play a part to help improve this situation.

Car Vandalism

there has been a numerous increase in the vandalism of cars.
Here are some steps to prevent more of such cases happening:

1) Do not park your car in deserted areas such as back alley
2) Park your car with other cars so that it will be lass likely that your car will be targeted.


Recently, i went to a coffeshop near valley street to have a cup of coffee with my friend.Shockingly,i noticed this carpark sign being badly vandalised,the price for parking cannot be seen clearly.Isnt singapore always being tight on the laws on vandalisms?then why is this sort of vandalism happening.This would make a bad influence on the little ones who may think that vandalism is cool.They are in their growing period and can be easily influenced.Thus,i suggest for a petition to install a few cameras in the carpark in order to catch the culprits,this would be effective as it would deter this vandals away.The petition would be held next friday at valley community centre ,email me for more information.

I have seen that this vandalism incident have been posted to Stomp.
STOMPer Low Kim Beng says this parking signboard at a carpark in 25 Valley Street has been subjected to vandalism for about two weeks, yet nothing is done about it.
"It has been vandalised since February and nobody is doing anything about it," says the STOMPer.
He says the carpark number is S0141.

Information taken from link

Vandalism can be a major problem, and it should be a high concern. Vandalism is usually caused by depression, boredom or even for fun and vandalism something that is not yours it is called criminal damage, it is a crime and you could befined or even go to prison.
Cause:  People will not able to see the information on the sign, for example the price. People will have bad impression of our area, Valley Street.
Consequence: The government have to hire cleaner to remove the paper, or even make a new sign.

To prevent from vandalism happen in Valley Street again, hope that all the residents play a part.
Crime Prevention Advice
1)Avoid vandalizers
2)Try to identify them take pictures so you can report them to their parents/ police (999)

Safety Tips
If you see vandalizers. Don't panic, remain calm. Call 999!!
Make sure that the police know your location and simply be sure to tell them about it.